Areas of Ministry at Grace
Grace Episcopal Church has nine areas of service for our mission and ministries.
The worship committee consists of the priest, the music director, the head of the altar guild, and the parish administrator. The committee meets regularly to plan worship services, liturgy, music, and altar guild needs.
Many members of the congregation are involved in worship ministry, contributing their individual talents in the roles of altar guild, communion bread baker, greeter, usher, acolyte, crucifer, lector (in person and on Zoom), A/V and camera. See our Worship Ministry page for more details, and talk to someone on the vestry if you are interested in serving.
Christian Formation
The Adult Education Committee is led by laypersons appointed by the vestry. The Adult Education program offers opportunities periodically throughout the year. In 2024 we hosted a group study during Lent and are currently hosting a Zoom study in Advent.
Social Justice Ministry
The Social Justice Ministry focuses particularly on racial justice, but includes other social justice issues such as gun violence and hunger. The purpose of the Grace social justice ministry is to educate toward action on social justice issues.
The Outreach Committee is led by a team of laypersons who report to the vestry. Grace is involved in multiple outreach projects, including an ongoing relationship with Faith Lutheran Church’s Faith & Light Food Pantry with a monthly food drive and volunteering to serve meals. Other special collections are held on a regular basis, including a Christmas gift collection for local families.
We also host a Blessing of the Animals every October.
Care and Concern
This committee is led by a team of laypersons and supports the needs of the individuals of the congregation as a need arises and is requested or made known.
The support covers visits both in home and hospital. Committee members will stay with family or support people during a hospital procedure. Also, someone will go to doctor’s appointments at the individual’s request. This is a second set of ears for support.
We organize meals for a time of need for families i.e.: illness, surgery, or bereavement. Transportation is also arranged when needed for appointments or church activities.
We recommend the Grief Support program of education, meetings, and counseling offered by Stillwater Hospice at the Peggy F. Murphy Community Grief Center in the near neighborhood of Grace.
The Hospitality Committee is responsible for the menu planning and preparation of food and decoration for church events such as the annual church potluck, group baptisms and confirmations, funerals, and Bishop visits. They are responsible for set-up and clean-up at these group events. Additionally, the hospitality committee ensures weekly sign up for refreshments after Sunday services and soup and bread sign up for Lenten and Advent soup suppers. Participation on the hospitality committee only requires a willingness to cook, clean, or decorate. Volunteers are always welcome.
Building & Grounds
Our Building and Grounds committee is led by the Junior Warden, who organizes lay people volunteering their time and talents together to maintain the entire grounds including building maintenance inside and outside, security, A/V, and the memorial garden. Members help perform needed repairs and coordinate with a licensed contractor for work beyond our expertise. The safety of our members and/or any liability that would be associated with the repair is paramount.
Work days are held during the year to involve more people from the congregation in caring for the grounds. Volunteers to care for the Memorial Garden are also regularly involved.
Grace Episcopal is led by a covenant agreement between the priest-in-charge and the vestry, including a Senior Warden and a Junior Warden. Vestry members are elected by the parish during the Annual Meeting. Vestry members serve three-year terms which are staggered to have new vestry members each year. The rector, vestry, parish treasurer, and parish clerk meet monthly on the fourth Monday.
Financial Planning Team
The Financial Planning Team consists of the Priest, Treasurer, Senior Warden, and two additional members approved by the Vestry for three-year terms beginning June 1 of any given year. The FPT advises the Vestry on matters of finance. The FPT is to monitor, review, advise, and invest Grace’s financial resources and financial/investment documents according to established guidelines. The FPT meets at least quarterly or more often as needed.