The Memorial Garden is a place of peace and serenity to allow meditation and relaxation for family and friends of those whose cremains are scattered in the garden and for anyone else seeking a quiet place. The ashes of twenty-three beloved members and friends of the church are scattered in the garden.  Whether in full bloom or during winter months, people enjoy sitting on the benches and remembering loved ones.

Special worship services, events and activities occur in the garden. Grace members also enjoy spending time together maintaining the garden throughout the summer months.

The Memorial Garden is in the process of being renovated. The goal is to more appropriately reflect the Episcopalian core belief of Creation Care. Removal of existing invasive plants, as well as the majority of the non-native plants, was the first step in working towards that goal. Following the design created by Earthsource and with input from Rozelle Lawn and Landscaping, native and nativars plants are being installed. This effort is funded by generous donations from members of the congregation and friends of the garden. Additionally, grants have been received from  Native Plants Unlimited, The Center for Congregations, and The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana. Rozelle Lawn and Landscaping also donated time and materials. Grace is very grateful for these contributions. The next stage of the plan includes the installation of native trees, benches, additional plantings and signage.