Food items are collected at Grace Episcopal for Faith Lutheran Church’s Faith & Light Food Pantry on the 3rd Sunday of each month, though you can bring your food donations anytime to put in the donation collection box in the narthex.
Here is a list of helpful items:
- Canned or dried beans
- Cornbread mixes
- Canned meat
- Canned beef stew
- Peanut Butter
- Saltines
- Pasta (spaghetti & macaroni)
- Pasta sauce
- Ramen
- Soup
- Oatmeal
- Breakfast cereal
- Boxed macaroni & cheese
- Instant mashed potatoes
- Rice
- Canned spaghetti
- Bisquick
- Maple syrup
- Toilet paper
You can also make a financial contribution by offering a check made out to Faith Lutheran Church (“food ministry” in the memo line.) You may drop the check off at Grace or mail directly to: Faith Lutheran Church, 1700 E Pettit Ave, Fort Wayne IN 46806
Our parish also helps serve free meals at Faith Lutheran on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Volunteers are needed from 5:00-7:00 pm. Be prepared to work inside dishing up food or work outside (dress appropriately) distributing meals to drive-up community members. Volunteers are always needed so bring your kids and neighbors!!