Service Times: Sunday Worship: 9:30 am
Our worship services are in hybrid format, with the full service held in the church AND connected to Zoom in real time (live meeting, not recorded). The service begins with a prelude at 9:25, and is about an hour long. After the closing hymn, the congregation has an announcement time followed by fellowship time with coffee and refreshments in the narthex, as well as an option for Zoom worshippers to stay online and chat with each other for a few minutes.
Children are always welcome! A nursery room is available as needed for parents and caregivers.
Contact us for Zoom worship link
Special Services: Wednesdays in Advent and Lent
During Advent and Lent we have a weekly simple meal of soup and bread at 6:15 pm in the undercroft followed by the singing of Holden Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.
Holden Evening prayer is a sung service based on psalms and canticles from scripture. The practice of Evening Prayer, also known in the historic Christian church as Vespers, dates back to the first century, and is one of the most important of the daily prayer offices in both Eastern and Western Christianity. “Holden Evening Prayer” is a beautiful and intimate musical setting composed by Marty Haugen in 1986 while staying in the mountains of Washington state at Holden Village. This service is led by laypeople, with the full participation of all present bringing their voices and hearts together. Our congregation has embraced this service setting as a tradition for Lent and Advent.
Christmas Services
Christmas Eve at Grace was a memorable and heartwarming occasion, as we came together to celebrate the spirit of the season. Despite being without a priest this year, the Worship Committee organized an inspiring service of Christmas Lessons and Carols. This cherished tradition guided us through the sacred scriptures, recounting the creation, prophecies of a Savior, the angelic announcement to Mary, and the miraculous birth of Jesus. Each reading was beautifully paired with a beloved Christmas Carol, while the Grace Choir elevated the evening with their renditions of stunning Christmas anthems.
Worship Style
Grace Episcopal’s Sunday 9:30 am liturgy is the core of who we are as a faith community. We have a blended service of contemporary and traditional music. Our regular instruments are keyboard, guitars and flute, but we also have guest instrumentalists on occasion. Because we value liturgical music, we have great vocal participation. Our community is blessed to have an amazing music director.
We find Rite II as most fitting for us. We use a screen to follow the liturgy and music, but hymnals and the prayer books are available. Parishioners are fully involved in the liturgy, including making bread for communion.
Our community environment for liturgy is both relaxed and welcoming.