Every Sunday, our worship services involve many lay volunteers participating in the different aspects of worship at Grace. If you are a member of the Grace community and would like to serve, you can ask someone who is currently serving to help you learn more about the role you are interested in. Talk to Father Tom about your interest in getting involved, and then email Emily in the church office to be included in scheduling. A Google form is sent out monthly to members of the ministry team to gather everyone’s availability and organize the schedule for the upcoming month.

Altar Guild

The altar guild consists of a number of members who work together organizing and maintaining the all the supplies, vestments, candles, etc, for the chancel and taking turns preparing all that is needed for every service, setting up and cleaning the vessels for the Eucharist.

Bread Baking

Members of the congregation also take part in baking communion bread.

Greeters and Ushers


Crucifer and Acolytes




A/V and Camera


Fellowship Time – Hospitality
