You are invited to join us for an event at Grace Episcopal Church on Tuesday, August 22 at 7:00 p.m., spotlighting homelessness and hunger in Fort Wayne.

Rev. Joshua Gale, executive director of Just Neighbors Interfaith Homeless Network, will be speaking on homeless issues in Fort Wayne and the work Just Neighbors has done to lower the eviction rate in the city.

After Rev. Gale’s presentation and a Q&A time, we will show The Working Hungry, a 30-minute documentary about the over 800,000 people in Indiana who are food insecure. 

About Just Neighbors

Just Neighbors’s mission is to serve homeless families by uniting religious congregations, community volunteers and local agencies in a cooperative effort to provide shelter, meals, and compassionate, professional support. Just Neighbors will work with all agencies that serve homeless and “working poor” families. By partnering with existing agencies and trained volunteers, Just Neighbors reduces the overall cost to the community-at-large.

Joshua Gale, Executive Director 

 Joshua Gale is the executive director of Just Neighbors Interfaith Homeless Network and the chairman of the region’s Planning Council on Homelessness. Before coming to Fort Wayne, he served as executive director of Lutheran Charities based out of Chicago. He has also worked in Philadelphia at Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries as a mission developer, and in Lima, Peru as the executive director of Castillo Fuerte–Casa de Misericordia. Joshua is dedicated to project development for the housing insecure and expanding organizations to serve the most vulnerable in our communities. He plays an active role in several boards, including Indiana’s Continuum of Care, the Fort Wayne Eviction Task Force, the Youth and Family Homelessness board in the Balance of State, co-chairs the Complete Count Committee for the 2020 Census, and was a founding member of the Business Advisory Committee for School of Business Concordia Chicago. Joshua holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Illinois State University, a Master of Divinity from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne and an MBA from Concordia University Chicago.

The Working Hungry Film

Hunger is everywhere in Indiana. Over 800,000 Hoosiers are food insecure. Families with children have an even higher rate of hunger than other families, with very negative consequences for our society. Most of these are working families, and their hunger is hidden from those around them.

Aired: 10/27/22 | Rating: NR